Take a few revelations years ago, followed by what can only be described as a hobby of testing theories and put to scale by a spreadsheet and a few ever developing simple algorithms, and here we are; I have a system for betting on college football. Now for a bit of self-awareness. I know people that say they would never trust anyone that claims to have a system and I can’t say that I would ordinarily be any less reluctant to follow such assertions. I am also not a gambler by nature, so I realize that it would be a huge ask to expect people to put large amounts of money on picks of mine that I won’t even be backing with significant capital. But that’s just it, I’m not asking you to bet a lot of money and as I’m writing this, my greatest fear of my current endeavor is that I contribute to someone’s financial ruin. Gambling on sports can be fun. Often times it can take a game of relative indifference to you and transcend it into a few hours of exhilarating fun. But by all means, please check yourself well before your exhilarating fun becomes staking your kid’s education on the athletic prowess of another kid earning his scholarship on the gridiron.
Also, I hope you notice that I am not charging a dime for these picks and don’t intend to anytime soon. All I ask you for is your loyal readership and in return I can give you the mathematics that have won 58-62% for 7 straight years. I will discuss my methods, and make my picks and mull over the results, and my hope is that above all, you can enjoy it with me. Sound good? Thank you for checking this site out and I hope you can take something from it.
-D Kyle Burkett